Disney迪士尼/迪斯尼最爱儿歌系列 英语儿歌/英文儿歌4CD送歌词
Disney迪士尼/迪斯尼最爱儿歌系列 英语儿歌/英文儿歌4CD送歌词
Walt Disney Records:Children's Favorite Songs 语言:英语 简介: “两只老虎”、“ABC歌”、“哦!苏珊娜”、“小小世界”……六十多年来迪斯尼的欢乐王国伴随着无数的大小朋友度过了温馨难忘的童年。此次迪斯尼所企划推出的“最爱儿歌系列1~4辑”一共收录了100首童谣,不论是呀呀学语的小宝宝或是已届学龄的儿童都非常适合。标准清晰的英语发音、欢欣节奏让小朋友在快乐的音乐环境中学习英文。
在快乐的音乐环境中,亲子之间互动学习,充分达到寓教于乐的效果。 本商品为4张CD,内容都是欧美儿童耳熟能详的儿歌,由迪斯尼公司制作,让你的孩子在欢乐的歌声中不知不觉的学英语。
CD1: 01 This old man
02 I've been working
03 Three blind mice
04 Oh,Susanna!
05 The man on the flying trapeze
06 The blue-tail fly
07 The mail must go through
08 Home on the range
09 It ain't gonna rain no more
10 A bicycle built for two
11 Mary had a little lamb
12 Take me out to the ball game
13 Friends lullaby
14 Old macdonald
15 The hokey pokey
16 She'll be comin round the mountain
17 Ten little indians
18 The green grass grew all around
19 In the good,old summertime
20 Animal fair
21 Row,row,row your boat
22 I'm a policeman
23 Pop!goes the weasel
24 Dixie
25 Twinkle,twinkle,little star
01 The farmer in the Dell
02 Yankee Doodle
03 On Top of Old Smoky
04 Sailing medley
05 Camptown races
06 Old blue
07 Here we go loopty-loo
08 The sidewalks of New York
09 Short'nin'Bread
10 John Jaclb Jingleheimer
11 Thumbelina
12 The bear went over the mountain
13 Red river valley
14 Skip to my lou
15 Swanee river
16 Western medley
17 London Bridge
18 here we go round the bulberry bush
19 Frere jacques
20 The dump truck song
21 Bingo
22 Polly Wolly dlldle
23 There was an old lady
24 Carrot stew
25 When the saints go marching
01 If you're Happy and you Know it
02 Shoo ,Fly,Don't Bother Me
03 Oh Dear ,What Can the Matter Be?
04 Activity Medley
05 Hush,Little Baby
06 Did you ever see a lassie?
07 Grandfather's clock
08 Clementine
09 Michael, row the boat ashore
10 Alouette
11 With apologies to mother goose
12 Sweeet betsy from pike
13 Over the river and through the woods
14 Billy boy
15 Nursery rhyme medley
16 Alphabet song
17 Why do they make things like they do?
18 Loch lomond
19 A-hunting we will go
20 Down in the Valley
21 Waltzing Matilda
22 just for you
23 Good night,ladies
CD4: 01 Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone?
02 The wheels on the bus
03 Do your Ears hang low?
04 Dry bones
05 The wabash cannonball
06 Brother, come and dance with me
07 Froggie went A-courtin'
08 Big rocd candy mountain
09 Kookaburra
10 You are my sunshine
11 Funiculi, funicula
12 Old dan tucker
13 It's a small worldt
14 Camping
15 There's a hole in my bucket
16 Cockles and Mussels
17 I'm a little teapotff
18 Comin'through the Rye
19 Git along,little dogies
20 Reuben and Rachel
21 He's Got the whole world in his hands
22 Nursery rhyme medley
23 Down by the station
24 Meet me in st .louis
25 The marvelous toy't
26 Go in and out
27 Mickey mouse march